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Die Cheap True Religion Jeans warzau True Religion Jeans Sale thing The Shirt True Religion Outlet UK was their 1995 tour t-Shirt.In addition, it had written on True Religion Jeans UK it: Now that we're smart enough to stop dragging our women by the hair into caves to fuck them, maybe we can start paying them equal wages for equal work.Human beings have eaten, worn, shot, blown up, screwed, tortured and generally annoyed enough animals on this planet to inspire the genetic imperative to rise up and kick our stupid donkey butts.I hope this happens while republicans are in office.The most significant and insightfully gathered piece of knowledge you can pick up in school is how much it sucks to blindly obey someone else's rules.The smart thing to do would be to learn it.Some of the models in sears underwear ads are actually worth looking at for extended periods.Bill gates is the devil.Parents who buy their children toy guns are mostly just speeding their own departure from the gene pool.Animals do some of the same things we do but for totally different reasons.The basic difference between paying for sex and paying for food is that you can eat alone.Talk show guests are paid by the pound now with bonuses paid out on a case by case basis for each missing tooth.My father's advice on sex never actually graduated from"Keep it in your pants"But in the most expansive of all possible senses i never realized how reasonable this could really be.Until prisons start paying for themselves, we'll never get prisoners to accept responsibility for their actions.There are enough men in this country who pay women to step on their wee-Wees in tiny leopard skin panties and whip them to qualify as a legitimate voting block.If they elect me, i'll see to it that they all get beat like bunnies.Aliens gauge how intelligent a species is by how few alarm clocks they own per capita.Guns don't kill people.Soup doesn't kill people.Guns with people loosely attached to the butt by virtue of an appendage and used according to their legitimate function kill people.You can't say the same thing about soup.One of the two million principal differences between andy warhol and jeff koons is that warhol had the sense to notice he was dead.In the disney tradition, mickey mouse looks progressively more like hitler each generation.Smurfette needs a hobby and no innuendo please.Everyone i know whose seen his father's penis has been irreparably scarred by it.I want to have a child just to imbue my genitals with that kind of power.I want peace on earth but will settle for my own talk show.When programming for the macintosh, don't ever move the pointer for a text block without moving the handle.If this means nothing to you, be grateful.I want cicciolina as the fourth person in line for the presidency of the united states and newt gingrich being bopped up the butt by buff studs.How can i get this?I'm starting to believe that adam and stuart chandler are played by different people.Wouldn't it be great if there were some way of getting jody foster's attention that somehow didn't involve shooting someone?If we put all the crazy people who believe they are jesus christ in the same room together, we could very possibly cure all but the absolutely most convincing one.If we know for a fact that the final destiny of the human race is as hyperintelligent fish sucking supersaturated algae from the tops of rapidly cooling radioactive puddles, can we just turn ourselves into toasters now?Elvis is dead and he makes quite a handsome collectible plate.It doesn't take much imagination to suspect that trees don't like us much.I think having sex with clive barker would involve hand puppets of some kind.It's really easy to lie to people with multiple personalities.Rush limbaugh isn't really worth talking about anymore but the resemblance to barney the dinosaur is really staggering.Monkeys play with their feces and humans measure their penises.There's a planet somewhere where both of these are equally amusing.The entire history of the human race would be completely and absolutely turned on its head and our present world would be completely unrecognizable if human beings bounced.Limited pattern homosexuality is a positive response on behalf of a species to it's environment and can render that species more viable.Write me if you need me to tell you why.Very soon we will all agree on exactly when the good old days were.Ronald mcdonald is pure evil and not a funny clown.Chicken places that advertise with a big anthromorphised smiling chicken-Guy are really the next stage in our race's development toward cannibalism.More people should learn how to walk away when they're being yelled at.Being necessary is better than being sexy.Everything i ever needed to know i learned by fucking it up the first time.Abandoned missile silos would make great homeless shelters.I'm just saying.I have a special stapler for the testicles of parents who tell their children to shut up.If the rain forest had breasts it would all still be there but it might not be virgin anymore.Please forget that last one.It shouldn't cost anything to run for president.People who can't cry at the end of hair/the movie are either insensitive to the plight of the modern pacifist in an aggressive environment or just don't like treat williams.And for god's sake, don't let your landlord make you pay for paint.

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